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Army ROTC Mission and Vision

SDSU Army ROTC partners with universities to recruit, educate, develop and inspire Senior ROTC Cadets in order to commission officers of character for the Total Army; and partners with JROTC at designated high schools in order to develop citizens of character for a lifetime of commitment and service to the nation.

Inherent in this mission are these objectives:

  1. Intellectual: To supplement the University's traditional education with the subjects of value to the student in civil or military pursuits; to teach each Cadet to communicate effectively both orally and in writing and to motivate Cadets to become leaders throughout their lives.
  2. Moral: To develop in each Cadet a high sense of duty and the attributes of character inherent in leadership which emphasize integrity, discipline and motivation to succeed in the profession of arms. Ethical leadership is the foundation upon which the service leadership development through the Army ROTC program rests.
  3. Physical: To develop in each Cadet the stamina and fitness essential to a physically demanding career as an Army Officer. Physical fitness is a way of life. Physical fitness improves individual performance through the reduction of stress and improved mental and physical well-being.
  4. Military: To provide Cadets with the broad-based military science and military leadership education required as a prerequisite of commissioning. The traditional purposes and ideals are to unite in closer relationship the military departments of American universities and colleges; to preserve and develop the essential qualities of good efficient officers; to prepare ourselves as educated men and women to take a more active part and have greater influence in military affairs of the communities in which we may reside and above all to spread intelligent, accurate information concerning the military requirements of our country.


  1. Produce lieutenants of character, each with the basics and basis to become great officers in the U.S. Army.
  2. Recruit and Retain Scholar-Athlete-Leaders through quality training, administrative support and mentorship.
  3. Grow the Military Science Department by encouraging teamwork and showing leadership on campus.
  4. Produce lieutenants that are confident and committed to the Army for the duration of their obligation.