Topics in Graduate Statistics Service Courses
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STAT 541 Statistical Methods II
Prerequisite: STAT 281 or equivalent
- Simple and multiple linear regressions
- ANOVA for one or multiple factors
- Design of experiments
- Linear models with categorical data
- Models with categorical response variable
STAT 535 Applied Bioinformatics
Prerequisite: STAT 281 or equivalent
- Analyzing and interpreting genomics data
- Finding online genomics resources
- BLAST searches
- Manipulating/editing and aligning DNA sequences
- Analyzing and interpreting DNA microarray data
- Other current techniques of bioinformatics analysis
STAT 545 Nonparametric Statistics
Prerequisite: STAT 281 or equivalent
- Necessary statistics and probability background
- Tests based on the Binomial Distribution
- Contingency tables
- Introduction to categorical data analysis
- Methods based on ranks
- Two or more independent samples
- Matched pairs
- Nonparametric regression
- Balanced incomplete block design
- Kolmogorov‐Smirnov and related tests
STAT 560 Time Series Analysis
Prerequisite: STAT 541
- Background needed for forecasting, including autocorrelation, data transformations, forecasting, evaluating and monitoring a model
- Regression analysis as applied to forecasting
- Exponential smoothing methods for modeling time series data and forecasting
- Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Models aka Box‐Jenkins models
- Transfer functions and intervention models
STAT 601 Modern Applied Statistics I
Prerequisite: STAT 541; STAT 700 or STAT 514
- Introduction to Statistical Graphics and ggplot
- Logistic Regression I
- Generalized Linear Models
- Density Estimation
- Recursive Partitioning
- Generalized Additive Models and Spline Models
- Survival Analysis
- Longitudinal Data Analysis and Mixed Models
- Multiple Comparisons
- False Discovery Rates
- Simultaneous Inference
- Meta‐Analysis
STAT 602 Modern Applied Statistics II
Prerequisite: STAT 701
- Introduction to Statistical Learning
- Introduction to Classification
- Resampling Methods
- Model Selection
- “Moving Beyond Linearity”
- Tree‐Based Methods
- Support Vector Machines
- ROC curves
- Clustering/Unsupervised Learning
STAT 661 Design of Experiments I
Prerequisite: STAT 541
- Analysis of variance
- Block designs
- Fixed and random effects
- Split plots and other experimental designs. Includes
- Use of SAS proc GLM, Mixed, etc…
STAT 731 Survival Analysis
Prerequisite: STAT 541
- Conduct and analysis of Clinical trials
- Randomized clinical trials
- Ethical issues in clinical trials
- Dose‐escalation methods
- Parallel, crossover, and adaptive designs
- Sample size determinations
- Design and analysis of group sequential trials
- Meta‐analysis
- Survival data analysis
STAT 742 Spatial Statistics
Prerequisite: STAT 541
- Geostatistics (variograms, kriging, regression)
- Lattice data (gridded data, computer images)
- Point processes
- Spatio‐temporal modeling
- Hierarchical modeling
- Disease mapping
- Spatial autocorrelation (global and local)
- R, R packages, other open source software