Not sure where to start?

Undergraduate Students

This application would be for prospective students in any one of the following categories:

  • You are a first-time freshman college student seeking a degree from SDSU.
  • You are a transfer student seeking a degree from SDSU.
  • You want to take one or more classes as a non-degree undergraduate student either online or in person and do not require a visa to study at SDSU.

If any of those statements match your objectives, please apply:

Apply Now

Graduate Students

This application would be for prospective students in any one of the following categories:

  • You are seeking a Master’s Degree from SDSU.
  • You are seeking a Ph.D. from SDSU.
  • You want to take one or more classes as a non-degree graduate student and do not require a visa to study at SDSU.

If any of those statements match your objectives, please apply:

Apply Now

Semester/Yearlong Exchange Students

If you have been nominated by a partner institution to attend SDSU for a semester or two as an exchange student or visiting fee payer student, apply now:

Apply Now