Academic Requirements by Country

Secondary Academic Requirements by Country

Academic Transcripts need to be originals or official certified true copies. If your transcripts are not in English, certified true translations must be attached. All upper secondary school-level work needs to be demonstrated through your transcripts. It is common for applicants to submit transcripts prior to completion, please indicate your expected graduation date.

Minimum academic qualifications have been determined for education systems in most countries, yet some programs require higher scores for selective admission. All students should have an educational background in the core curriculum of: science, mathematics, social science/history and English to be considered for admission. This requirement must be met prior to the application deadline and the student's cumulative grade point average (GPA) or score at each institution should be included on the academic record itself or on a separate letter from a school official.

Please find your country and view minimum academic scores and records required. If your country is not listed, please contact International Admissions and we can email you with specific requirements. We must receive original academic transcripts or attested/certified copies.

Students who have completed post-secondary (university) are considered transfer students. Students with fewer than 24 credit hours will be evaluated on both university GPA and secondary GPA. Students with more than 24 university credit hours must have a cumulative university GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale or better to be eligible for admission. Please review our International Transfer Admissions page for additional details.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z 

CountryMinimum Average RequirementRecords Required
  1. Baccaluria or 
  2. Academic transcript
  1. Baccalauréat Général or
  2. Academic transcript
  1. Bachillerato
  1. Certificate of Education
  2. Academic transcript
AustriaPass with good results.
  1. Reifeprüfungszeugnis/Matura
  2. International Baccalaureate Diploma
BahamasMinimum average 66 out of 100, or the equivalent in the U.S. system a 2.60 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. An official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12, and an official copy of Bahamas Junior Certificate and Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education.
BahrainMinimum average 67 out of 100, or the equivalent in the U.S. system: 2.60 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. An official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of General Certificate of Secondary Education (Shehaadat al-thaanawiya al-aama) and an English translation
BangladeshMinimum average of 50 on a 100 point grading scale (Bangla medium), 60 out of 100 (English medium), or II (Second Division). Or the equivalent in the U.S. system: a 'B' average or a 2.60 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. An official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of General Certificate of Secondary Education (Shehaadat al-thaanawiya al-aama) and an English translation.
  1. Attestat o srednem (polnom) obshchem obrazovanii
  2. Akademicheskaya Spravka
  1. Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Superiéur, or Getuigschrift van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs
  2. Academic transcript

5 passes of IV © on CSEC, or

2 passes of V on CAPE

  1. Bachiller AND Certificado de Notas, or
  1. Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire, or
  2. International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
  1. Directly from the school or
  2. Bhutan Council for School Examinatons and Assessment or
  3. Indian CBSE or CISCE
Bolivia5.0/7.0 (Bueno)
  1. Diploma de Técnico Básico or
  2. Bachiller
 Minimum average of 6 out of 10 or MS-Average Superior/Above Average. Or the equivalent in the U.S. system: a 'B' average or a 2.60 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. Official final transcript from years 1, 2, 3 and 4. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of Diploma "Certificado de Ensino Médio" and an English translation.
  1. Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie (DZSO)
Burkina Faso11.0/20.0
  1. Baccalauréat Généra
  2. Relevé de notes
Burma (please see Myanmar)  
  1. Diplôme d'Etat
  2. Relevé de notes
 A minimum average of a 'B-' or 66 out of 100 ("Good"). Or the equivalent in the U.S. system: a 'B-' average or a 2.60 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. Official copy of Diploma or Certificate showing completion of high school. If transcript, graduation certificate and/or diploma is not in English, please send original and English translation.
  1. Bachiller or
  2. Técnico Medio
 Minimum average of 75 on a 100 point grading. Or the equivalent in the U.S. system: a 'B' average or a 2.60 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. Official transcript from junior year 3 and final transcript from senior years 1, 2 and 3. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. Official copies of original Chinese Graduation Certificate and English translation. If applicable, please send Huikao results.
Colombia3.5/5.0 or 7.5/10.0
  1. Academic transcript or
  2. Técnico Profesional Intermedio or Certificado
Congo (Democratic Republic of)Need a 52.5% or 10.5 average on a 20 point scale or the equivalent in the U.S. system: a 'B' average or a 2.60 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. Need Relevé de Notes, Examen d’Etat and Graduation Certificate/Diploma (For example: Diplôme d’Etat d’Etudes Secondaires du Cycle Long, Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires)
Congo (Brazzaville)Need a 52.5% or 10.5 average on a 20 point scale or the equivalent in the U.S. system: a 'B' average or a 2.60 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. Relevé de Notes de l'Examen Final and Graduation Certificate/Diploma (For example: Diplôme du Baccalauréat, Attestation, or any other secondary school diploma)
Costa RicaMinimum average of 7 out of 10, 70 out of 100, Notable, or Very Good. Or the equivalent in the U.S. system: a 'B' average or a 2.60 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of Bachillerato in original and in English.
Côte d'Ivoire11.0/20.0
  1. Relevé de notes
  2. Examen d'Etat
Denmark4.0/12.0 or C's on ECTS grading scale.
  1. Studentereksamensbevis or
  2. Hojere Forberedelsesksamen (HF) or
  3. International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
  1. Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire or
  2. International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
Dominican RepublicDominican Republic's system: 70 out of 100, 3 out of 5, Muy Bueno/Very Good.
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of Bachiller in original and in English.
EcuadorMinimum average of 7 out of 10, 15 out of 20, 60 out of 80, 75 out of 100 or Bueno/Good.
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of original Bachiller/Bachillerato in original and in English translation.
EgyptMinimum average of 65 out of 100, Gayed, Good.
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of General Secondary Education Certificate (Thanawya a’Amma) or a Technical Secondary Education Certificate in original and in English.
El Salvador6.75/10.0
  1. Bachillerato
  2. Certificado de Notas
EthiopiaMinimum average of 65 out of 100.
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. Official copy of the Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination (EHEEE).
FranceMinimum average of 12 out of 20, Assez Bien, Good.
  1. Official final transcript from years troisième, seconde, première and terminale. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of Baccalauréat or Bachelier in original and in English.
  1. Diplôme du Baccalauréat
  2. Relevé de notes
GambiaWAEC/WASSCE: 5 C4s or one C5 is allowed with B3 or better in English to waive TOEFL or IELTS. The equivalent in the U.S. system: A 'B' average or a 3.00 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale. 
  1. GCE Ordinary Level Results or
  1. Sashualo Ganatlebis Atestati
Germany3.5/6.0 or 7.0/15.0 (Befriedigend)
  1. Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife or
  2. International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
GhanaWAEC/WASSCE: 5 C4s or one C5 is allowed with B3 or better in English to waive TOEFL or IELTS. The equivalent in the U.S. system: a 'B' average or a 3.00 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. An official copy of results from the West African Examination Council Certificate.
Great BritainMinimum C pass in all core subjects.
  1. GCE Ordinary Level Results
GreeceAverage high school academic performance of at least 6 out of 10 or 12.5 out of 20.
  1. Certificate of Completion awarded by an Upper Secondary School and official transcript for all three years of Upper Secondary School.
GSCE, IGCSE, AS, A Level CurriculumMinimum 5 Credit Passes at O Level. (Grade C or better).
  1. All internal transcripts from secondary education. Official copy of General Certificate of Secondary Education and official copy of General Certificate of Education, Advanced Subsidiary. Official Copy of General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level.
GuatemalaMinimum average of 65 out of 100 (when minimum passing grade equals 51), 70 out of 100 (when minimum passing grade equals 61), Muy Bueno.
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of the Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras in original and English.

5 passes of IV on CSEC or

2 passes of V on CAPE

  1. CSEC or
  2. CAPE
HondurasMinimum average of 3.50 out of 5, 67 out of 100, Muy Bueno . Or the equivalent in the U.S. system: a 'B' average or a 2.60 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of the Certificado de Estudios (transcript) showing completion of Bachillerato in original and English.
International Baccalaureate (IB)Applicants should be averaging 4's and 5's.
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. And the Official IB Diploma/Certificate.
  1. Námsferilsskrá
IndiaMinimum average of 60 on a 100 point grading scale, or the equivalent in the U.S. system: a 'B' average or a 2.60 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. Official copy of Central Board of Secondary and Senior Examination (CBSE), or other examining board test results.
IndonesiaMinimum average of 6 on a 10 point grading scale.
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of the original Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar (STTB) or Sekolah Menengah Unum Tingkat Atas (SMA) and English translation.
Iran (Islamic Republic of)14.0/20.0
  1. Certificate of Completion of Secondary Study
IraqMinimum cumulative percentage of 70% or higher out of 100%.
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of Secondary School Certificate translated to English.
Ireland75% or Cs
  1. Academic record
  2. Leaving certificate
Italy7.7/10.0 average or 50/60 on Maturita.
  1. Diploma di Maturita, or International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
  2. Pagelle Scolastiche

5 passes of IV on CSEC or

2 passes of V on CAPE

  1. CSEC or CAPE results
  2. Academic record
JapanMinimum average of 3.5 on a 5 point grading scale.
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of original Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shosho (Upper Secondary School Certificate of Graduation) in original and English translation.
JordanMinimum average of 65 on the 100 point grading scale.
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of the Tawjihi original and in English.
KazakhstanMinimum average of 3 out of 5 (before 2011) or ECTS average of Cs. The equivalent in the U.S. system: A 'B-' average or a 2.6 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale. 
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10 and 11. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of the Attestat in original and English.
KenyaKenya National Examinations Council (KNEC), equivalent 2.6 GPA or better (B- average).
  1. KCSE results
Korea (Republic of)75% or Rank 5 (U of Mi)
  1. Academic record, AND
  2. Graduation Certificate
 Minimum average of 70 on the 100 point grading scale.
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation.
  1. Academic record
  2. Attestat or Diplom
LatviaMinimum C pass in all core subjects.
  1. GCE Ordinary Level Results, or
  2. Certificate of General Secondary Education
  1. General Secondary Education Certificate or
  2. Baccalaurèat
Lesotho5 passes of C
  1. Cambridge Overseas School Certificate
  2. Academic transcript
Liberia5 passes of Grade 5 with an aggregate between 9-30 (or 75% if exam results not yet available).
  1. Certificate Examination Results AND access/scratch card or
  2. Official academic/progress record (only if exam not yet taken)
LibyaMinimum average of 65 on a 100 point grading scale. Or the equivalent in the U.S. system: a 'B' average or a 2.60 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. Official final transcript in original and in English. Either General Secondary School Certificate or a Certificate of Graduation from secondary level institutes. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation.
  1. Brandos Atestatas, AND
  2. Brandos Atestato Priedas
Luxembourg35/60 or 11.0/20.0 (assez bien)
  1. Relevé de Notes
  2. Diplôme de Fin dEtudes Secondaire (Techniques)
MalaysiaMin. C pass in all core subjects.
  1. Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) or
  2. GCE Ordinary Level Results
  3. UEC 5 grade B5 or better
  1. Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire, or
  2. International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
MexicoMinimum average of 7 on a 10 point grading scale.
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of the Certificado de Bachillerato in original and English.
MongoliaGPA of 2.6 on a scale of 4; or 76% out of 100.
  1. After 2008, need Secondary School Leaving Certificate or Certificate of Secondary Vocational Education and transcript for three years of Upper Secondary School.
Montenegro3.5/5.0 or 70%
  1. Diploma o Završenoj Srednjoj Školi
  2. Academic record
MoroccoA minimum average of 10 out of 20, Assez Bien, Good
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of the Baccalauréat de ľenseignement de second cegré.
Myanmar (Burma)65%
  1. Basic Education Standard VIII Examination AND Basic Education Standard X, or
  2. Matriculation Examination
NepalA minimum average of top half of the Second Division, Merit. or 52.5%. Or the equivalent in the U.S. system: a 'B' average or a 2.60 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. Official copy of Secondary School Leaving Exam results and official copy of Higher Secondary Certificate Examination results. (If student has Secondary and passed two A level courses with C or better, we would be fine with this as well.
  1. VWO or HAVO Diploma, or
  2. International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
New Zealand75% or A (Achieved)
  1. National Certificate of Educational Achievement Level 3
  2. Academic record
  1. Baccalauréat Général or Attestation
  2. Relevé de Notes
NigeriaWAEC/WASSCE: A student must earn 5 C4s or better in 5 separate subject areas. At the University's discretion, one C5 may be considered in place of one C4. Students must earn a B3 or better in English to waive TOEFL or IELTS. The equivalent in the U.S. system: a 'B' average or a 3.00-grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. Official transcript for 3rd year of Junior Secondary and official final transcript for years 1, 2 and 3 of Senior Secondary and an official West African Examination Council Certificate with results.
  1. Vitnemål Fra den Videregående Skolen
  2. Academic record
PakistanMinimum average of 60% on the HSC or equivalent in the U.S. system: B average or 2.60 on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. Official final transcript in original and English for years 9, 10, 11 and 12. (Secondary and Higher Secondary.) If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of the original Bachiller.
Palestinian National Authority65%
  1. General Secondary School Education Certificate (Tawjihi)
  1. Certificado de Notas
  2. Certificado Oficial de Educación Secundaria
Philippines3.0/5.0 or 80% (MS)
  1. High School Permanent Record (DECS Form 137A)
  2. High School Report Card (Form 138-A)
  1. Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci or Ukonczenia
  2. Academic record
  1. Diploma de Ensino Secundário or ENES
  2. Histórico Escolar
Qatar840 or 65% in Obtained Marks.
  1. QOSSS, or
  2. General Secondary School Certificate
RussiaMinimum average of 3 out of 5, Khorosho, Good.
  1. Official final transcript from years 9, 10, and 11. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of the Attestat in original and English.
  1. Relevé de Notes
  2. Certificat or Diplôme
Saudi ArabiaMinimum average of 70 on a 100 point grading scale.
  1. Official final transcript in original and English for years 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. Transcripts indicating that student has passed each year will be sufficient. No Secondary completion certificate is necessary.
  1. Baccalauréat
  2. Certificat or Diplôme
Serbia3.5/5.0 or 70%
  1. Diploma o Završenoj Srednjoj Školi
  2. Academic record
Singapore5 passes of C
  1. Cambridge Ordinary Level Results or
  2. International Baccalaureate Diploma
South AfricaMinimum average of 60 out of 100 (Good),4 out of 7 (Good).
  1. Official final transcript in original and English for years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of the National Senior Certificate or Senior Certificate with Matriculation Endorsement/Exemption.
Spain6.5/10.0 or Cs on ECTS scale
  1. Bachiller or Título
  2. Certificado de Notas
Sri Lanka2.6 GPA Equivalent (B-) average for both O and A levels.
  1. Senior Secondary School GCE Ordinary Level ("O" Level) Certificate
  2. Certificate Collegiate GCE 'A' Level Certificate.
  1. Sudan Secondary School Certificate
  2. Academic record
Sweden13.0/20.0 (where VG=15 and G=10)
  1. Avgångsbetyg från Gymnasiet or Komvux
  2. Academic record
  1. General Secondary Education Certificate
  1. Senior High School transcript
  2. Graduation Certificate
  1. Certificate of Secondary Education
  2. Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education
ThailandMinimum average of 2.60 on a 4 point grading scale. Or the equivalent in the U.S. system: a 'B' average or a 2.60 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. Official final transcript in original and English for years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of the Higher Secondary School Certificate.
  1. Relevé de Notes
  2. Baccalauréat
Trinidad and Tobago5 passes of IV on CSEC, 2 passes of V on CAPE, or minimum C pass in all core subjects.
  1. CSEC and CAPE or
  2. GCE Ordinary Level Results
TunisiaApplicants must have an overall average of 12/20 in their academic subjects.
  1. Applicants must complete the Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire (Baccalaureate of Secondary Education) in an academic track of upper secondary studies).
TurkeyLevel 5 or C (Orta)
  1. Lise Diplomasi or International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
  2. Academic record
  1. Certificate of Secondary Education
  2. Academic transcript
UgandaLevel 5 or C
  1. Uganda Certificate of Education
  2. Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education
United Arab EmiratesIn the U.A.E. system: a minimum average of 70 on a 100 point grading scale. Or the equivalent in the U.S. system: a 'B-' average or a 2.60 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. Official final transcript in original and English for years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation.
Uruguay4.0/6.0 or 6.0/12.0
  1. Certificado de Notas
  2. Bachillerato
Uzbekistan70% or 3.5/5.0
  1. O'rta Ma'lumot To'g'risida Shahodatnoma or Diploma.
  2. Academic transcript.
VenezuelaMinimum average of 11 out of 20, 6 out of 9, Bueno/Good or Outstanding. Or the equivalent in the U.S. system: a 'B' average or a 2.60 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. Official final transcript in original and English for years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of the original Bachiller.
VietnamMinimum average of 6 on a 10 point grading scale, or 24 on a 40 point grading scale. Or the equivalent in the U.S. system: a 'B' average or a 2.60 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.00 GPA grading scale.
  1. Official final transcript in original and English for years 9, 10, 11 and 12. If the transcript is issued in a language other than English, it must be accompanied by an English translation. An official copy of "Hoc Ba" in original and English.
  1. General Certificate of Education or
  2. School Certificate Examination
ZimbabweMinimum C pass in all core subjects.
  1. GCE Ordinary Level Results.