Jacks Email
Your official university email address
Jacks email is not just your average email service. It is an interactive technology available to all students free of charge. The benefits of using Jacks email extend beyond writing messages. You can also:
- Utilize Office 365 to collaborate on group projects and save documents in one common location.
- Keep a personal address book.
- Organize your schedule using the calendar feature.
- Save important documents, pictures, messages, and contacts with unlimited amounts of storage.
- Stop worrying about updating your email address—you can continue to use Jacks email even after you graduate.
Keep in mind that all SDSU-related business will be conducted here. It's where registration and billing notices, class announcements, and messages from your instructors will be sent, so check it daily to make sure you don't miss any important information.
To set up your account, click the "Activate Jacks Email" button on MyState. If you have any questions about activating or using Jacks email, be sure to contact the Support Desk.
Office 365
Please follow the link to log in: