Office of Title IX/Equal Opportunity

About Title IX and Equal Opportunity

The Office responds to reports, concerns, and inquiries about harassment, discrimination and sexual harassment, which includes sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. Students, employees, program participants, and visitors can access supportive measures regardless of where the misconduct took place or of whether a formal complaint is signed.

The Title IX and Equal Opportunity (“EO”) Coordinator remains knowledgeable about civil rights legislation and completes annual Title IX/EO training. The Title IX/EO Coordinator works closely with the Division of Student Affairs, the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) and the University Police Department (UPD), and plays an integral role in carrying out the University's commitment to positive learning, living and working environments for the SDSU community.

Federal regulations require the university to take immediate action to eliminate sexual harassment, prevent its recurrence and address its effects. Universities are also required to adopt and publish grievance procedures for constituents who complain of sex or gender discrimination. SDSU's procedures and policies can be found online.

Title IX/EO investigations are separate from law enforcement investigations, even when a police report is filed. The University is required to conduct an independent investigation that is prompt, thorough and impartial.

If you experience, witness, or are notified about harassment, discrimination, or sexual harassment, contact the Title IX/EO Coordinator immediately. Alleged conduct may also be reported to any SDSU employee, as all University employees are officials with authority to act and mandatory reporters to the Office of Title IX/EO. 

Prohibited Conduct
  • Harassment
  • Discrimination 
  • Retaliation
  • Sexual harassment 
  • Sexual assault
  • Domestic violence
  • Dating violence
  • Stalking
Confidential On-Campus Resources
Student Counseling Services

SDSU Miller Wellness Center

Student Counseling Services

Student Health Clinic

SDSU Miller Wellness Center

Student Health Clinic

Non-Confidential On-Campus Resources
American Indian Student Center

920 Campanile Avenue

American Indian Student Center

Dean of Students

Toby Uecker
Morrill Hall, Room 312

Dean of Students

Disability Services

Nancy Hartenhoff-Crooks
University Student Union, Room 065

Disability Services

Human Resources

Employee Relations/Supervisory Support
Morrill Hall, Room 100

Human Resources

International Affairs

Hilton M. Briggs Library, Room 119

International Affairs

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Call: 833-955-3403
TTY: 800-697-0356
Online: Guidance Resources
App: GuidanceNow® and myStrength® 
Web/App ID: southdakota

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Office of Title IX/Equal Opportunity
Ombuds Office

Nicole Picconi
Berg Agricultural Hall, Room 114

Ombuds Office

University Police Department

1405 Jackrabbit Ave.

University Police Department

Veterans Affairs Resource Center

Brown Hall, Room 134

Veterans Affairs Resource Center

Contact Title IX/Equal Opportunity
Office of Title IX/Equal Opportunity
Physical Address
1015 Campanile Ave.
Brookings, SD 57007
Mailing Address
Morrill Hall 100, Box 2201
Brookings, SD 57007
Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.