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We strive to provide many different amenities to aid our residents in their living and learning experiences. It's important that residents take steps to ensure amenities stay clean for all those who may what to use them.
Front Desk
As a resource, each residence hall has a hall desk where residents can check out equipment and get assistance. Items vary between halls so it is best to stop by the desk to determine what might be of use to you. This is also where you can make an appointment with your hall directors and sign out a spare room key. Some desks have elected to expand services and offer athletic equipment, games and other select services supported by the hall government.
Each resident is given the keys needed when they sign their contract at check-in. All keys remain the property of South Dakota State University and may not be duplicated.
A lost key can result in a serious security problem for residents. When a resident reports they have lost a room key, a work order is generated to change the locks and replace keys for all residents of the room, and charge the responsible resident. The charge assessed covers the replacement cost of the lock for the room door, mailbox, labor and new keys. The charges range from $102-250.
If residents find a key or key ring, they should turn it in at their hall desk or department office in Caldwell Hall as quickly as possible. This simple act could save a fellow resident unneeded expense. Unauthorized possession or use of a University key is a serious offense and could lead to suspension or expulsion. Residents should not loan their key(s) to others. Lending keys is a serious policy violation, which could result in a student conduct sanction.
If you find yourself locked out of your room or if you leave your keys at home, you may check out the spare key for your room at the hall desk. The policy regarding checking out the file key should have been explained before you were asked to sign your key card. Residents may obtain a copy of this policy or see their key card at the hall desk for more information.
Designated cooking facilities are available in most halls for resident use for preparation of meals and snacks. Residents who use these areas share the responsibility of keeping it clean. Some cooking utensils are available for check-out at the hall desk. See your hall's front desk for more information.
All residence halls have washers and dryers which can be operated with Hobo Dough. Residents need to supply their own soap, bleach, fabric softener, etc. Residents are encouraged to keep a watch on their laundry when it is in the laundry room. This avoids having their belongings in a machine after it has completed its cycle and prevents laundry room theft.
Access your Hobo Dough account
You will be able to add Hobo Dough to your student ID through the website with a debit card.
Doors are locked for you personal safety and the security of your property. Please carry your keys/ID with you every time you are leaving your room. Tampering with and/or propping locked doors endangers residents and property of the entire residence hall community.
- Exterior doors are locked 24/7 with the exception of Caldwell and Honors.
- Caldwell and Honors doors are unlocked from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. on working days to allow access to the Housing and Residential Life Office and the Honors College. These doors will then be locked from 5 p.m. - 8 a.m.
- Interior Doors
- Caldwell and Honors have interior doors to each wing that are locked 24/7.