Res. Life About us

About Us - Housing and Residential Life


Residential Life provides students with opportunities to grow personally, become globally aware, succeed academically and realize answers to their questions in a residential campus setting.


By implementing an innovative residential curriculum responsive to students’ interests and needs, South Dakota State University Residential Life will foster engagement in a community of learning, success, belonging and safety.


The Office of Housing and Residential Life aligns our mission, vision and core values with that of the university as noted in Pathway to Premier 2030.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students who engage in the University Housing and Residential Life community will practice and apply interpersonal problem solving skills in a safe, supportive environment.
  • Students who engage in the University Housing and Residential Life community will develop positive, meaningful relationships in the residence halls.
  • Students who engage in the University Housing and Residential Life community will articulate their own developing values, beliefs and identities.
  • Students who engage in the University Housing and Residential Life community will be able to identify key campus resources that aid in their social, personal and academic success.
  • Students who engage in the University Housing and Residential Life community will transition to campus and build a personal connection to South Dakota State University.

Our Team

Staff Photo

Our Housing and Residential Life Staff are highly trained and motivated individuals dedicated to student success. Housing employs a number of staff members ranging from live-in student and professional staff to custodial and services staff.

Our Hall Staff

Our Housing and Residential Life Staff are highly trained and motivated individuals dedicated to student success. Housing employs a number of staff members ranging from live-in student and professional staff to custodial and services staff.

Residence Hall Director

Residence hall directors (also known as RHDs) are professional, full-time staff members living in our residence halls and Meadows Apartments. Each residence hall director has previous residence hall experience and is well trained in helping students benefit from their college experience. The RHD is primarily responsible for supervising and training community assistants, communicating with administrative support and facilities staff, advising hall government and the overall management of their respective residence hall.

Community Assistant

Community assistants (also known as CAs) are full-time students whose part-time job is to assist residents within our halls. CAs are carefully selected to promote the university’s primary mission: to aid you in your total development. CAs live on each floor of the residence hall and assist residents in developing and maintaining an active, cooperative and study-conductive atmosphere on floors/wings. CAs also serve as campus resource links between students and other university services. Most importantly, CAs will be available to assist residents whenever the need arises. Residents are encouraged to get to know their CA early on in the semester.

Each fall, the community assistant application opens up for the following academic year. If you are interested in applying for the CA position, please reach out to your residence hall director.

Graduate Assistant

Graduate assistants (also known as GAs) are live-in graduate student members of the Housing and Residential Life staff. We employ GAs in multiple roles:

  • The advising and leadership GA assists with the advising of the residence Hall Programming Council and the Residence Hall Association while also supporting individual hall governments.
  • The graduate assistant for the residence halls and apartments assist with the overall leadership of the building(s), facilities support, programmatic oversight, leadership over the front desk area, academic support, on-call responsibilities and administrative aspects of the residence hall/apartment.

If you are interested in a graduate assistantship with Housing and Residential Life, please reach out to our office.

Student Life Building Services

Student Life Building Services staff provide maintenance and custodial services to the residence halls. The facility staff in our halls strive to make “our halls your home.” The neat and clean appearance of the residence halls is a direct result of their efforts.