Students gather around Darrell Napton, a professor in the Department of Geography and Geospatial Sciences.

South Dakota View (SDView) is a consortium of educational institutions, government agencies and private sector organizations in South Dakota with a common goal of building partnerships and infrastructure to facilitate the availability, timely distribution and utilization of remotely sensed data. SDView is a charter member of AmericaView (AV), a nationwide program that focuses on satellite remote sensing data and technologies in support of applied research, K-16 education, workforce development and technology transfer. AV is administered through a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey and the AmericaView Consortium.

FREE Esri Geographic Information System (GIS) Software for South Dakota K-12 Classrooms

Because of a K-12 Statewide Education Site License Agreement between Esri and the State of South Dakota, all K-12 classrooms in the state are eligible to take part in this exciting program. This offer extends to all public, private and home schools as well as nonprofit, youth-serving organizations such as 4-H and after-school programs. For more information on using ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online and/or other Esri products in your classroom, contact Bruce Millett.