Our customer service center is here to help you with your bulk mailing needs. Please contact us to get a copy of our Bulk Mailing Guide.

There are 3 classes of Bulk mailings that can be used:

  • First Class Presorted – minimum of 500 pieces and will be processed the same day, if Customer Service Center was given a 24-hour advance notice and mailing is received by 11:00 a.m.
  • Regular Standard – 200 piece minimum and will be processed within two to three days. Standard mail service objectives for delivery are two to nine days; however, delivery time is not guaranteed.
  • Non Profit – same as Regular Standard with exception of cheapest rate.

Following the list below will help to make sure your mailing is prepared correctly.

  • First, please work with Marketing and Communications on your mailing for their approval and ensure your mail has been approved to qualify for either Nonprofit or Regular Standard Mail rate. 
  • Postage may be affixed by us . There are two options:
    • Permit Imprint (indicia) - correct format information from Marketing and Communications or Customer Service Center. This reduces costs for handling. The permit number is held by SDSU and not by individual departments.
    • Metering - Customer Service Center runs mail pieces through a mailing machine for appropriate postage.
  • Return Address: Postal regulations require us to use a specific format for the return address. Return addresses cannot include an individual's name nor a specific event. Please use this format:

South Dakota State University
Department Name
Department Box Number
Brookings, SD 57007-(department 4 digit number)

  • We will review your mail for compliance with the postal service size limits. Weight of paper stock is appropriate if the piece is a self-mailer.
    • The Post Office prefers self-mailer pieces to be folded at the bottom and attached at the top with tape or tabs. Absolutely no staples can be used as this will damage the Postal equipment machines.
  • Once your mailing is ready to go, please notify us at 688-6422 prior to delivering your mailing so we can ensure we can get your mailing out on time.
  • Your mailing must be brought to us as follows:
    • Sorted by zip code, lowest to highest.
    • Facing the same direction
    • Letter flaps up for sealing
    • Each envelope will close properly for sealing
    • One sample copy included for the Customer Service Center reference
    • On campus addresses removed - this is to save you postage
    • Foreign country addresses removed for separate processing. Each must have a pink metered postage form completed.
    • Letter trays are available for your use at the Facilities and Services Customer Service Center or by calling 688-6422.

Addressing your bulk mailing

Our customer service center can assist you with addressing your mailing. Please contact us to schedule.

  • Please submit the list on an Excel spreadsheet
    • Must include Name, Address, City, State, Zip in separate columns.
    • Remove all duplicates - this is to save you postage.
    • Separate out international and campus addresses for separate processing.
    • Use only the delivery address, and not the physical address, if they are different.
    • Use complete address, including any direction notation or street type
      • For example: 312 W 8th Street is correct
      • 312 8th is not correct
  • Cost for this service is based on the number of addresses and any extra processing


All mail pieces must include an endorsement or be addressed through the Customer Service Center. Each endorsement has a different price for returns.

  • Address Service Requested. Forwarding and return; new separate address notification provided.
  • Return Service Requested. No forwarding, only return; new address notification provided.
  • Change Service Requested. No forwarding or return; new address notification provided.
  • Forwarding Service Requested. Forwarding and return; new address notification provided only with return.
Contact Us
Facilities and Services Customer Service Center
Physical Address
1451 Stadium Rd.
Brookings, SD 57007
Mailing Address
SFCS 100, Box 2150
Brookings, SD 57007
Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.