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Will J. Kratochvil

Mrs. Will J. Kratochvil
Will J. Kratochvil

Eminent Homemaker

County: Union

Fanny Kratochvil has set an exceptional example of motherhood in Union County. The Kratochvils are the parents of seven children. Five of the six boys: Leslie, Harry, William E., Charlie, and Malcolm operate their own farms within a two mile radius of the “home place.” Don is an instructor in agronomy on the campus of South Dakota State College. The daughter, Mary, is married and lives in Sioux Falls.

Kratochvil, the former Fanny French, was born on April 9, 1889. Her father died when she was three and she lived with an uncle in Montana. On Jan. 1, 1913 she became the bride of Will J. Kratochvil at Pierce, Nebraska. Together they improved the crop land, fixed up the buildings and modernized their farm which is located three and a half miles southeast of Alcester. Kratochvil gives the 4-H program credit for helping her children get a good start in the farming business.

Aside from the task of raising a large family, Kratochvil has been an active member of the Social Circle Extension Club, a conscientious worker in the Baptist Church and Ladies Aid. She is also a member of Eastern Star.

Kratochvil always has had a big garden. She still cans and freezes vegetables and takes care of the fruit from her apple, cherry and pear trees.

Now that the family has grown up, Fanny has time to work on some of her hobbies such as making piece quilts and braiding and crocheting rugs. She also likes to collect nicknack china cows and salt shakers.

The Kratochvils are a very congenial family. About once a month the entire family, which includes 17 grandchildren, gets together for a good time.

A description of Kratochvil who has always been a devoted housewife and mother, would not be complete without this quote from a lady who has known her for a decade. “In the 10 years that I have been in the country, I have never heard anyone say an unkind word about her.”