Mary (Peter) Moe

Mary Peter Moe, Sisseton is well known in her community as a historian. When Roberts County celebrated its 25th anniversary in home demonstration work, Moe wrote the 25 year history. Writing the history of the Norway Lutheran Church of Enterprise township was another of her chosen tasks of community service.
Moe was born in 1877 in Oslo, Norway, and came to America with her parents when she was four. They came to Minneapolis where she attended elementary and high school.
She married Peter Moe on April 14, 1897, in Minneapolis when she was 20. They moved to a farm near Sisseton where Peter’s brother lived. In 1903, they moved to the farm where they lived for 45 years. In 1949 they retired and moved to Sisseton.
In 1947, they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.
Peter Moe died in November 1950.
Moe is a charter member of the Enterprise home demonstration club. At one time, this club included women in three townships. Moe served several terms as secretary. She was county historian four years and county secretary-treasurer, two years. An honor came to her in 1936, when she was chosen as delegate to the Associated Country Women of the World conference in Washington, D.C.
The Enterprise club’s activities came to an end in 1941 after seventeen years of community projects and service. For the last two years, Moe has been a member of the Long Hollow home demonstration club.
As a member of the Norway Lutheran Church, Moe was Ladies’ Aid president, secretary and treasurer for several terms. She was Sunday school superintendent one year.
The Moes reared three children. All of them are graduates of the Sisseton high school and attended college.
Moe loves to read and also enjoys music. She plays the piano, and at one time memorized many compositions. Her garden was a summer hobby.