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L. W. (Mike) Herron

L.W. Herron
L. W. (Mike) Herron

Eminent Homemaker

County: Potter

Mrs. L. W. (Mike) Herron, of Gettysburg has spent her entire life in the Potter County area. Born in 1888, she and her husband who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary yesterday, now operate a 2500 acre ranch in conjunction with their daughter Elaine and son-in-law Harold Hegerle.

An active member of the Potter County home demonstration clubs for the past 36 years, Herron is still active in community affairs. At 75 she still helps with her club bake sales. For example, she brought two pies, made from gooseberries picked from her own small fruit plantings to the bake sale sponsored for the benefit of furnishing a room in the local retirement center.

She actively promoted the first hospital drive in the county, still serves on the county library board (and is also an avid reader of library books) and until recently was active in the affairs of the Methodist Church. She is presently engaged in writing a history of Extension Club work in Potter County.

The Herron’s have two children, Elaine and Lucille. Elaine was graduated from the University of South Dakota and Lucille attended South Dakota State University. Both were active in 4-H work and are now married. Lucille, following her mother’s example, has served on the Potter County Extension Board for a number of years. Herron has six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

She and “Mike” travel considerably and have visited areas throughout the United States as well as Australia, West Indies, Hawaii, South America and Europe.