Doris Heine

Doris Heine of Vermillion believes in putting the needs of her family and community first.
She worked as a registered nurse at Sacred Heart Hospital in Yankton before marrying her husband, Francis. Heine is working to become relicensed in nursing.
This eminent homemaker is a woman of many talents. She designed their family's home and planned the landscaping. Orchards and a rock garden are highlights of the landscape design. Heine has a large garden and cans most of the garden produce. She also makes homemade sausage and canned meats, and renders lard. She grows watermelons and potatoes for St. Agnes School. Her other interests include quilting, reading and cooking.
Heine served as president of the Clay County Extension Club, and is a charter member of the Islanders Extension Club. She has been a 4-H Leader for 13 years and has held several offices in the Clay County Leader's Association. Her other volunteer activities include assisting with the open class exhibits and judging at the Clay County Fair.
She has served as a volunteer worker in various community enterprises, and is a CYO Sunday School teacher. She has been recognized as Mother of the Year by the Catholic Daughters of America and has received a Community Service Award from 4-H.
As an active member of the St. Agnes Catholic Church, she belongs to the altar society and is president of the Catholic Daughters of America.
The Heines have ten children: Beth of Butte, Nebraska; Tim and Todd both of Brookings; Mary, Robyn, Mark, Gretchen, Nick, Joel and Nancy, all at home near Vermillion.