David Bogue
David H. Bogue
Eminent Farmer

David Bogue has been actively engaged in farming for nearly 40 years. He is an active leader for agricultural programs in his community, county, state and nation. David farms near Beresford with a farrow-to-finish hog operation, as well as a purebred Suffolk sheep flock (100 ewes). Principal crops on his farm are corn and soybeans.

Bogue is a 1958 graduate of Morningside College in Sioux City with a degree in business administration. He is immediate past president of the South Dakota Soybean Association and presently serves as chairman of the board. He is currently vice- president of the National Suffolk Sheep Association and is a member of the South Dakota Pork Producers Association. Bogue is past chairman and a member of the Southeast Research Farm near Beresford and served on the nucleus committee that organized the South Dakota Pork Producers Council in 1965.

Bogue is currently a member of the Ag Unity Research/Extension Task Force. He served on the ABS 2000 committee and is past chair of the South Dakota State University ABS College Agricultural Advisory Board. Bogue has been on the Council for Agriculture, Research, Extension, and Teaching (CARET) as a research representative for South Dakota since 1984.

In the Beresford community, Bogue served on the Beresford Board of Education from 1980-1986, and was chairman for two years. He is past president and a member of the Beresford Lions Club. He served as a member of the steering committee and the board of directors of the South Lincoln Rural Water System. He is a member of the Lincoln County Crop & Livestock Improvement Association, and was a Lincoln County  4-H Leader for 11 years as well as a 4-H Leader Association president.

David and his wife Bonnie are the parents of three sons. He is very active in his church and has served as past president and Deacon. He has given generously of his time to his community, county, state and nation. Bogue is a man of high integrity. When he gives his word or takes on a commitment, you can count on him to get the job done. He works well with people from all walks of life. He has received many honors and awards. He received the Morningside Alumnus Distinguished Service Award in 1988. He was honored as Master Lamb Producer in 1984, as Friend of 4-H in 1984, as Master Pork Producer in 1965 and as Pork All-American in 1973. He received the Award of Merit from the State School Board Association, and last spring was honored as Gamma Sigma Delta Distinguished Alumnus by the ABS College.