Milo A. Dudden

Milo Dudden
Milo A. Dudden
Distinguished Engineer
Clear Lake
Mechanical Engineering,

Milo A. Dudden participated in the graduate student program at Westinghouse Manufacturing Co., in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh following his graduated from South Dakota State College. Dudden served in the military as a captain in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for four years during World War II. He joined the American Gas Association Laboratories and worked as a test engineer, chief engineer and supervisor before starting his own firm, Gas and Mechanical Laboratories, Inc. in Los Angeles in 1958. The primary purpose of his company was to assist manufacturers, inventors and others in the design and development of safe products, particularly those that are gas-fired, electrically powered or solid fuel burning. Dudden served as president of his firm which was recognized throughout the U.S. and the world. The firm had more than 50 regular clients in the U.S. and 15 in foreign countries such as Taiwan, Japan, England, Belgium, France, Denmark, Spain, Austria and Yugoslavia. He was a member of a number of professional and honorary organizations and served as national president of the American Society of Gas Engineers from 1974-75.