ZhengRong Gu
Since I joined ABE department at SDSU in Dec. 2008, multiple disciplines background and experiences enable my research more flexible in current intensively competitive environment. Since 2010, my interest started to focus on biorenewable advanced carbon materials, electrochemical energy storage devices and functional adsorbents for biofuel separation in biorefinery. Our recent biorenewable carbon materials work has led us to prepare multiple advanced carbon materials from different biomass as well as evaluated these carbon materials’ energy storage function in electrochemical supercapacitor and lithium ion batteries. Our subsequent work showed that a novel nitrogen doped 3D graphene, which demonstrated excellent electrochemical properties as electrode materials of supercapacitor, was synthesized from distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS) with a facile low temperature catalytic graphenization process. In addition, we have developed multiple methods to control surface oxygen and hydrophobicity of carbon adsorbents for improving electrochemical energy storage properties, as well as enhancing adsorption selectivity for biofuel harvesting. Recently, I also started to integrate bioseparation techniques and graphene materials into a new biosensor platform, and explore next generation high selective and high conductive disposable probes of electrochemical biosensor devices.
Academic and Professional Experience
Academic Interests
Research interests:
- Renewable graphene and advanced carbon materials
- Bioseparation technology (biomedical engineering, biopharma and biorefinery)
- Tailored materials for biomedical engineering
- Catalysts of biorefinery
- Water purification and recovery
- Bio-dust fire monitoring and prevention
- Transmission electron microscope techniques for materials characterization and biomedical diagnosis
- Bioinspired silicon-carbon and silica materials
Academic Responsibilities
- ABE 748 Bioseparation
- ABE 444/544 Unit Operation and Lab
Committees and Professional Memberships
- A the leader of the NSF-MRI funded TEM facility “Acquisition of a Transmission Electron Microscope.”
- Graduate council member of SDSU.
- Review Panels for funding agencies: Canada “Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions” (2016 Spring), USDA SBIR (2015 Fall) and NSF (CBET Biomass and Chemical Separation 2016 Spring).
- ABE Curriculum committee.
- Review activity for more than 20 journals including top journals (including Advanced Materials, Energy and Environmental Science, Nanoscale, RSC Advances, Bioresource Technology, J. Membrane Sci., J. Materials Chemistry A, J. Bioscience and Bioengineering, Separation and Purification Technology, J. Chromatography A, Current Analytical Chemistry, Green Chemistry).
- Editorial board of The Scientific Pages of Agricultural Technologies; Chromatography and Separation Techniques Journal; International Journal of Environment and Bioenergy, The Scientific Pages of Surface Chemistry.
Professional Memberships:
Work Experience
- GE life-science Fast Trak; Lead Scientist; 9/2006-2/2008; Biopharm downstream training and processes development
South Dakota State University
- Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering; Assistant professor; 12/2008-06/2015; Research and teaching in bio-renewable engineering (materials, separation of biofuel and biorenewables)
- Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering; Associate professor; 7/2015-present; Research and teaching in bio-renewable engineering (materials, separation of biofuel and biorenewables)
Research and Scholar Work
Areas of Research
- Scalable biorenewable graphene (solid phase catalytic thermochemical) preparation technology.
- Preparation of biorenewable advanced carbon adsorbents from biochar of thermochemical platform.
- Preparation of biorenewable graphene with scalable thermochemical pathway.
- Preparation of graphene with scalable low-temperature (room temperature) pathway.
- Bioseparation technology.
- Recovery and separation platforms for microbial biofuel.
- Downstream processing techniques of biopharms production and formulation stability.
- Nanocrystal cellulose recovery and purification from cellulosic ethanol waste-stream.
- Downstream processing techniques and materials of native bioactive compounds production.
- Tailored materials for biomedical engineering.
- Tailored bio-affinity adsorbents for blood purification and advanced biomedical engineering applications (especially target on emerging pathogens and infectious diseases).
- The multifunctional electrochemical immune-sensor platform (based on magnetic-graphene core-shell nanomaterial) for on-site diagnosis of critical pathogens (especially target on emerging pathogens and outbreak of infectious diseases).
- Catalysts of biorefinery.
- Catalytic hydrothermal conversion lignin and lignin based advanced coating film materials.
- Carbon-solid acid catalysts for cellulosic chemicals.
- Catalysts for thermochemical biorefinery.
- Integrated catalytic pyrolysis platform for producing graphene and biofuel.
- Water purification and recovery.
- Photocatalysis-Photobioreactor integration system for aquaculture wastewater treatment and recycling.
- Capacitive deionization (based on 3D graphene and new membrane materials) for water recovery from Brackish water and hydraulic fracturing wastewater.
- Bio-dust fire monitoring and prevention.
- Characterization of Bio-dust ignition and combustion properties.
- Heat resource management of biomass mechanic processing instruments.
- Transmission electron microscope techniques for materials characterization and biomedical diagnosis.
- Cryo-TEM in identifying and quantifying biomolecules interactions.
- In-situ TEM analysis of electrode materials in electrochemical energy storage systems.
- In-situ TEM characterization of catalysts.
- Bioinspired silicon-carbon and silica materials.
- Bioinspired hierarchical silicon-carbon nanomaterials as anode of lithium ion batteries.
- Scalable biorenewable mesoporous silica preparation technology.
Current projects:
- Project/Proposal Title: Impact of Biochar on Lifecycles of Agricultural Chemicals and Interactions between Plants and Soil Microorganisms (PI); Source of Support: USDA-NIFA (Education).
- Total Award Amount: $275,603
- Total Award Period Covered: Feb. 16-Jan. 19
- Project/Proposal Title: Plasma Modified Biochar Electrode for Nitrate Recycle with Capacitive Deionization Technology (PI); Source of Support: Sun-Grant North Central (USDA-NIFA).
- Total Award Amount: $100,000
- Total Award Period Covered: Nov. 16-Oct. 18
- Project/Proposal Title: Develop lignocellulosic nanocomposites from prairie cordgrass and corn stalks for smart packaging applications (Co-PI), Source of Support: Sun-Grant North Central (USDA-NIFA).
- Total Award Amount: $100,000
- Total Award Period Covered: Nov. 16-Oct. 18
- Project/Proposal Title: Advanced bioelectrochemical module (BEM) for waste-to-electricity generation during Long-term space exploration (Co-PI), Source of Support: NASA-EPSCoR.
- Total Award Amount: $750,000
- Total Award Period Covered: July 16-June 19
- Project/Proposal Title: MRI: Acquisition of a Transmission Electron Microscope (PI); Source of Support: NSF-MRI.
- Total Award Amount: $1,210,576 (NSF $775,000)
- Total Award Period Covered: September 2014- October 2017
- Project/Proposal Title: Separate Glucosinolates from non-food oil-seeds as value added co-products and improve nutrition value of oil-seeds as animal feed (PI); Source of Support: South Dakota Oilseeds Initiative Program.
- Total Award Amount: $90,000
- Total Award Period Covered: July 2013-June 2017
- Location of Project: South Dakota State University
Awards and Honors
- Gamma Sigma Delta Award of Research 2020
- College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences Outstanding Researcher 2016
PI projects:
- USDA NIFA REEU; $499,827; 4/01/2020-3/31/2025; Sustainability of Agricultural Systems - Role of Interface and New Technology
- South Dakota Oilseeds council; $53,235; 7/2019-6/2021; Glucosinolate for Microbial Controlling in Vegetable and Fruit After Harvesting
- South Dakota Beef council; $72,658; 1/01/2020-12/31/2021; Graphene based Electrochemical Sensor for Detection of Salmonella in Beed Products
- South Dakota Oilseeds Initiative Program; $227,000; 7/2013-6/2021; Separate Glucosinolates from non-food oil-seeds as value added co-products and improve nutrition value of oil-seeds as animal feed
Co-PI project:
- NSF EPSCoR Track-1; $10,981,133; 7/01/2019-6/30/2024; South Dakota Biofilm Science and Engineering Center
Method for plasma activation of biochar material
Patent number: 9754733
Abstract: A method for using plasma to activate biochar is disclosed where reactive gas(es) are excited by external power; biochar set on a sample holder is electrically biased or set at a floating potential so that charged particles of a certain type are attracted to the biochar, leading to intensive chemical reactions.
Type: Grant
Filed: April 30, 2015
Date of Patent: September 5, 2017
Assignee: South Dakota State University
Inventors: Qi Hua Fan, Mukul Kumar Dubey, Zhengrong Gu
Exhaust system air filtration housing
Patent number: 9267407
Abstract: An engine exhaust system attachment is provided that includes a housing a fan, a filter, and a conduit. The housing is configured to enclose an exhaust turbine, an exhaust manifold, and at least a portion of an exhaust pipe. The exhaust turbine, the exhaust manifold, and the exhaust pipe are connected to receive exhaust gas from an engine and are mounted to an engine frame of a device. The fan is configured for mounting to the device to move air. The filter is configured for mounting to the fan to receive the moved air and to provide filtered air. The conduit is configured for connecting the filter to the housing to provide the filtered air to the housing.
Type: Grant
Filed: July 8, 2013
Date of Patent: February 23, 2016
Assignee: South Dakota Board of Regents
Inventors: Daniel S. Humburg, Kevin J. Dalsted, ZhengRong Gu, Joseph P. Polin
- Lu, S., Hummel, M., Gu, Z.*, Wang, Y., Wang, K., Pathak, R., Zhou, Y., Jia, H., Qi, X., Zhao, X., Xu, B., Liu, X., (2021) Highly efficient urea oxidation via nesting nano nickel oxide in eggshell membrane-derived carbon; ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering
- Lu, S., Jia, H., Hummel, M., Gu, Z.*, Wu, Y., Wang, K. (2021) Two-dimensional conductive phthalocyanine-based metal-organic frameworks for electrochemical nitrite sensing; RSC Advances (accepted)
- E. Adhamash, R. Pathak, K. Chen, MT Rahman, A. El-Magrous, Z. Gu, S. Lu, (2020) High-energy plasma activation of renewable carbon for enhanced capacitive performance of supercapacitor electrode; Electrochimica Acta 362, 137148
- Hummel, M., Lu, S., Nelson, Z., Jia, H., Pathak, R., Zhou, Y., Gu, Z.* (2020) Kappa-carrageenan/graphene oxide carbon composite film for electrochemical sensing of dopamine; Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 167 (11), 116506
- Lu, S., Gu, Z., Hummel, M., Zhou, Y., Wang, K., Xu, B.B., Wang, Y., Li, Y., Qi, X., Gu, Z.* (2020) Nickel oxide immobilized on the carbonized eggshell membrane for electrochemical detection of urea; Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 167 106509
- Lu, S., Hummel, M., Wang, X., He, W., Pathak, R., Dong, X., Jia, H., Gu, Z.* (2020) In situ electrodeposition of nickel phosphide on Ni foam for non-enzymatic detection of nitrite; Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 167 (14), 146517
- Lu, S., Hummel, M., Chen, K., Zhou, Y., Kang, S., Gu, Z.* (2020) Synthesis of Au@ ZIF-8 nanocomposites for enhanced electrochemical detection of dopamine; Electrochemistry Communications, 106715, 16
- Lu, S., Hummel, M., Kang, S., Gu, Z. * (2020) Selective voltammetric determination of nitrite using cobalt phthalocyanine modified on multiwalled carbon nanotubes; Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 167 (4), 046515, DOI: 10.1149/1945-7111/ab7982
- Lu S., et al. Trash to treasure: A novel chemical route to synthesis of NiO/C for hydrogen production. 2019. Intern. J. Hydrogen Energy 44 (31), 16144-16153
- Ming Nie, Shengjuan Du, Qing Li, Matthew Hummel, Zhengrong Gu, and Shun Lu. "Tungsten Carbide as Supports for Trimetallic AuPdPt Electrocatalysts for Methanol Oxidation." Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167, no. 4 (2019): 044510. DOI: 10.1149/1945-7111/ab754d
- Y. Gu, M. Hummel, K. Muthukumarappan, Z. Zhao, Z. Gu (2019) Synthesis and characterization of Allyl terpene Maleate Monomer; Scientific reports 9 (1), 1-11
- R. Pathak, A. Gurung, H. Elbohy, K. Chen, K. Reza, B. Bahrami, S. Mabrouk, R. Ghimire, M. Hummel, Z. Gu, X. Wang, Y. Wu, Y. Zhou, Q. Qiao. 2018. Self-Recovery in Lithium-Ion Battery through Reduced WO3, Nanoscale, 2018,10, 15956-15966
- Y. Cao, X. Wang, Z. Gu, Q. Fan, W. Gibbons, V. Gadhamshetty, N. Ai, G. Zeng. 2018. Potassium chloride templated carbon preparation for supercapacitor. Journal of Power Sources. 384, 360-366.
- G. Zeng, Z. Yu, M. Du, N. Ai, W. Chen, Z. Gu, B. Chen. 2018. Enhanced CO2 Adsorption on Activated Carbon‐Modified HKUST‐1 Composites. Chemistry Select. 3 (41), 11601-11605.
- M. Shrestha, I. Amatya, K. Wang, B. Zheng, Z. Gu, QH Fan. 2018. Electrophoretic deposition of activated carbon YP-50 with ethyl cellulose binders for supercapacitor electrodes. Journal of Energy Storage. 13, 206-210.
- Y. Wang, S. Zuo, M. Miao, Y. Liu, Z. Gu, Y. Jin, 2018, Cost-effective preparation of metal-free electrocatalysts by phosphoric acid activation of lignocellulosic materials for oxygen reduction reaction, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (5), 2811-2822
- S. Tan, S. Johnson, Z. Gu. 2018. Laser depolarization ratio measurement of corn leaves from the biochar and non-biochar applied plots. Optics express. 26 (11), 14295-14306.
- K. Wang, M. Xu, XM Wang, Z. Gu, W. Gibbons, J. Croat, Q. Fan, 2017 Porous carbon derived from aniline-modified fungus for symmetrical supercapacitor electrodes, RSC Advances 7(14):8236-8240
- K. Wang, M. Xu, Y. Gu, Z. Gu, J. Liu, QH Fan, 2016, Low-Temperature Plasma Exfoliated N-Doped Graphene for Symmetrical Electrode Supercapacitors. Nano Energy Volume 31, 486-494
- K. Wang, M. Xu, M. Shrestha, Z. Gu, QH Fan, 2017, Plasma-assisted fabrication of graphene in ambient temperature for symmetric supercapacitors application, Materials Today Energy 4, 7-13
- M. Shrestha, I. Amatya, K. Wang, B. Zheng, Z. Gu, QH Fan, 2017, Electrophoretic deposition of activated carbon YP-50 with ethyl cellulose binders for supercapacitor electrodes, Journal of Energy Storage 13, 206-210
- K. Wang, M. Xu, Y. Gu, Z. Gu, QH Fan, 2016 Symmetric supercapacitors using urea-modified lignin derived N-doped porous carbon as electrode materials in liquid and solid electrolytes, Journal of Power Sources 332, 180-186
- Cao Y., Wang X., Gu ZR, Fan Q., Kharel P., 2016 Hierarchical porous activated carbon for supercapacitor derived from corn stalk core by potassium hydroxide activation, Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 212, 839-847
- Cao Y., Gu Y., Wang X., Wang K., Gu ZR, Gibbons W., Rice J., Castro MA, Lee J., 2016 Adsorption of creatinine on active carbons with nitric acid hydrothermal modification, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016, 66, 347–356
- Cao Y., Wang X., Wang K., Gu ZR, Ambrico T., Gibbons W., Fan Q., Talukder A., 2016 Preparation of active carbons from corn stalk for butanol vapor adsorption, Journal of Energy Chemistry. 2016, 26(1), 35-41
- K. Wang, M. Xu, Z. Gu, P. Ahrenkiel, J. Lee, W. Gibbons, J. Croat, Q. Fan, 2016 Pyrrole modified biomass derived hierarchical porous carbon as high performance symmetrical supercapacitor electrodes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41, 13109–13115
- H. Jin, X. Wang, Z. Gu, Q. Fan, B. Luo, J. Liu, A facile method for preparing nitrogen-doped graphene and its application in supercapacitors, Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 273, 1156-1162
- K. Wang, Y. Cao, X. Wang, MA Castro, B. Luo, Z. Gu, J. Liu, J. Hoefelmeyer, Q. Fan, Rod-shape porous carbon derived from aniline modified lignin for symmetric supercapacitors, Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 307, 462-467
- R. Gupta, M. Dubey, P. Kharel, Z. Gu, Q. Fan, Biochar activated by oxygen plasma for supercapacitors, Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 274, 1300-1305
- Wang, K.; Cao, Y.; Wang, X.; Kharel, P.; Gibbons, W.; Luo, B.; Gu, Z.; Fan, Q.; Metzger, L. (undergraduate), 2015. Nickel catalytic graphitized porous carbon as electrode material for high performance supercapacitors. Energy 101, 9-15
- Wang K., Wang XM, Cao YH, Gu ZR, Q. Fan; W. Gibbons; T. Johnson; B. Luo; 2015 Pyrolytic cyanobacteria derived activated carbon as high performance electrode in symmetric supercapacitor, Energy 94, 666-671
- Cao Y., Han V. (undergraduate), Wang X., Gu ZR, Gibbons W, 2015, Adsorption of butanol vapor on active carbons with nitric acid hydrothermal modification, accepted by Bioresource Technology, 196, 525-532.
- TJ Johnson, A. Jahandideh, MD Johnson, KAH Fields, JW Richardson, Z. Gu, 2016, Producing next-generation biofuels from filamentous cyanobacteria: An economic feasibility analysis, Algal Research 20, 218-228
- S. Cheng, L. Wei, J. Julson, PR Kharel, Y. Cao, Z. Gu, 2017, Catalytic liquefaction of pine sawdust for biofuel development on bifunctional Zn/HZSM-5 catalyst in supercritical ethanol; Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 126, 257-266
- S. Cheng, L. Wei, J. Julson, K. Muthukumarappan, PR Kharel, Y. Cao, Z. Gu; 2017, Hydrodeoxygenation upgrading of pine sawdust bio-oil using zinc metal with zero valency, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 74, 146-153
- S. Cheng, L. Wei, M. Alsowij, F. Corbin, E. Boakye, Z. Gu, D. Raynie, 2017, Catalytic hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of biomass for bio-crude production using Ni/HZSM-5 catalysts, 2017, AIMS Environ Sci 4, 417-430
- X. Zhao, L. Wei, S. Cheng, E. Kadis, Y. Cao, E. Boakye, Z. Gu, J. Julson, 2016, Hydroprocessing of carinata oil for hydrocarbon biofuel over Mo-Zn/Al2O3, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 196, 41-49
- S. Cheng, L. Wei, X. Zhao, E. Kadis, Y. Cao, J. Julson, Z. Gu, 2016, Hydrodeoxygenation of prairie cordgrass bio-oil over Ni based activated carbon synergistic catalysts combined with different metals, New biotechnology 33 (4), 440-448
- Cao Y., Han V. (undergraduate), Wang X., Gu ZR, Gibbons W., 2015, Butanol vapor adsorption behavior on active carbons and ZSM-5 zeolite crystal, J. Applied Surface Science 349, 1-7.
- Y. Cao; Z. Gu; K. Muthukumarappan; W. Gibbons, 2015, Separation of glucosinolates from Camelina seed meal via membrane and acidic aluminum oxide column, Journal of Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies, 38, 1273-1278.
- K. Wang, Y. Cao, Z. Gu, P. Ahrenkiel, J. Leed, Q. Fan, 2016, Nitrogen-modified biomass-derived cheese-like porous carbon for electric double layer capacitors, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 26738 - 26744
- X. Zhao, L. Wei; S. Cheng; Y. Cao; J. Julson, ZR Gu; 2015 Catalytic cracking of carinata oil for hydrocarbon biofuel over fresh and regenerated Zn/Na-ZSM-5, Applied Catalyst A: a general, 507 44-49
- Y. Huang, L. Wei, X. Zhao, S. Cheng, J. Julson, Y. Cao, Z. Gu, 2016, Upgrading pine sawdust pyrolysis oil to green biofuels by HDO over zinc-assisted Pd/C catalyst, Energy Conversion and Management 115, 8-16
- Y. Huang, L. Wei, Z. Crandall, J. Julson, Z. Gu, 2015, Combining Mo-Cu/HZSM-5 with a two-stage catalytic pyrolysis system for pine sawdust thermal conversion; Fuel (2015), 150, 656-663.
- R. Bouza, ZR Gu, 2015 Screening Conditions for Acid Pretreatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Empty Fruit Bunches, Industrial Crops and Products, 84, 67-71