Christopher Robbins

Christopher Robbins

Assistant Professor


Dr. Chris Robbins completed his M.P.A. at the University of Michigan, and his Ph.D. at Indiana University, Bloomington where he specialized in health behavior and gerontology. Dr. Robbins is one of the most prolific researchers in the college with over 100 peer-reviewed presentations that include 18 international presentations, 72 national presentations and 28 regional presentations. In addition, Dr. Robbins has published over 80 peer-reviewed manuscripts and abstracts. He is a researcher with a background in health outcomes, acute and chronic injury in older adults, health behavior and injury prevention. He has experience working with the Department of Defense, FDA, CDC, NIH and numerous foundation and industry sponsored research projects. His current research focuses on active aging and determinants of unintentional injury and interpersonal violence.
Research Impact: citations 1358, h-index 19, i10 index 28, mean journal impact factor=3.0


  • Ph.D. in health behavior | Indiana University | 2015
  • M.P.A. | University of Michigan | 2003
  • B.S. in clinical and community psychology | University of Michigan | 1995

Academic and Professional Experience

Academic Interests
  • Health behavior
  • Chronic disease
  • Injury prevention
  • Active aging
  • Telehealth/telemedicine
Work Experience
  • 2022-present, assistant professor, Department of Allied and Population Health, South Dakota State University.
  • 2020-2021, research data analyst, Department of Surgery, Indiana University-Purdue University.
  • 2018-2019, associate instructor, College of Health Sciences, Department of Inter-professional Education and Aging Studies, Doctor of Health Science Program, University of Indianapolis.
  • 2013-2019, senior research area specialist, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Michigan.
  • 2018-2019, research fellow, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland.
  • 2010-2011, associate faculty, Department of Health Sciences, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.
  • 2010-2011, research analyst, Department of Health Sciences, Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis.
  • 2006-2010, research associate, Department of Health Sciences, Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis.
  • 2003-2005, research associate, Hurley Research Center, Hurley Medical Center, Flint, Michigan.

Research and Scholar Work

  1. Peer-Reviewed Publications (Select Sample)
  2. Miller E., Schweitzer S., Ahmed P., Robbins C., Hunt A. Perceptions of substance use disorder in rural areas: How the brain disease model impacts public stigma. BMC Public Health. (Accepted).
  3. Sparks-Joplin T., Bhatia M., Robbins C., Morocho C., Chiang J., Murphy P., Miller E., Meagher A., Padilla-Jones B. (2023). Opioid use reduced in trauma patients after implementation of multi-modal pain protocol. JSR. April; 284: 114-123. 
  4. Miller E., Ball J., Emery M., Robbins C., Daniel J., Ahmed P., Hunt A. (2023). Promoting harm reduction in rural South Dakota utilizing an interdisciplinary consortium. JAPhA. January. doi:10.1016/j.japh.2022.08.029. 
  5. Pinto S., Kotschevar C., Hunt A., Middendorf A., Robbins C., Miller E., Van Gilder D. (2022). Impact of a Public Health Awareness Campaign on Patients’ Perceptions of Expanded Pharmacy Services in South Dakota Using the Theory of Planned BehaviorPharmacy. December; 10(6):178. doi:10.3390/pharmacy10060178. 
  6. Bell T.M., Robbins C., Gosain A. (2021). The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on pediatric firearm injuries. Pediatrics; 148 (1): e2020049746. 
  7. Gundlach B.K., Robbins C.B., Lawton J.N., Lien J.R. Wound Healing Complications in Diabetic Patients Undergoing Carpal Tunnel and Trigger Finger Releases: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Journal of Hand Surgery 2021 December; 46(12):1057-1063. doi:10.1016/j.jhsa.2021.05.009. Epub 2021 July 2. PMID: 34218978.
  8. Li Y., Swallow J., Robbins C., Caird M.S., Leis A., Hong R.A. Gabapentin and intrathecal morphine combination therapy results in decreased oral narcotic use and more consistent pain scores after posterior spinal fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2021 Nov. 15; 16(1):672. doi:10.1186/s13018-021-02525-z. PMID: 34781972; PMCID: PMC8594153.
  9. Gagnier J., Bedi A., Carpenter J., Robbins C., Miller B. A 5-Year Follow-up of Patients Treated for Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears: A Prospective Cohort Study. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2021 Sept. 7; 9(9):23259671211021589. doi:10.1177/23259671211021589. PMID: 34514008; PMCID: PMC8427933.
  10. Gagnet P., Nelson J., Wallace N., McCarthy C., Robbins C., Kessler J., Biermann J.S., Siegel G. Analysis of the Effect of the Size and Grade of Soft Tissue Sarcoma on Rates of Unplanned Resection, Metastatic Disease, Mortality and Morbid Re-resection Over 20 Years. Orthopedics. 2021 May-June; 44(3):166-171. doi:10.3928/01477447-20210104-05. Epub 2021 Jan. 8. PMID: 33416896.
  11. Li Y., Graham C.K., Robbins C., Caird M.S., Farley F.A. Elevated Serum Titanium Levels in Children With Early Onset Scoliosis Treated With Growth-friendly Instrumentation. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. 2020 July; 40(6):e420-e423. doi:10.1097/BPO.0000000000001463. PMID: 32501902.
  12. Bye B., Graham C.K., Robbins C., Wallace N., Lindsey B., Caird M.S., Farley F.A., Li Y. Level of Experience Does Not Influence the Accuracy of Radiographic and Ultrasound Measurements of Magnetically Controlled Growing Rod Distractions. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. 2020 May/June; 40(5):e341-e345. doi:10.1097/BPO.0000000000001449. PMID: 31498195.
  13. Li Y., James C., Byl N., Sessel J., Caird M.S., Farley F.A., Robbins C. Obese Children Have Different Forearm Fracture Characteristics Compared With Normal-weight Children. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. 2020 Feb.; 40(2):e127-e130. doi:10.1097/BPO.0000000000001402. PMID: 31095010.
  14. Surowiec R.K., Battle L.F., Ward F.S., Schlecht S.H., Khoury B.M., Robbins C., Wojtys E.M., Caird M.S., Kozloff K.M. A xenograft model to evaluate the bone forming effects of sclerostin antibody in human bone derived from pediatric osteogenesis imperfecta patients. Bone. 2020 Jan.; 130:115118. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2019.115118.
    Epub 2019 Oct. 31. PMID: 31678490; PMCID: PMC6918492.
  15. Ramme A.J., Robbins C.B., Patel K.A., Carpenter J.E., Bedi A., Gagnier J.J., Miller B.S. Surgical Versus Nonsurgical Management of Rotator Cuff Tears: A Matched-Pair Analysis. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2019 Oct. 2; 101(19):1775-1782. doi:10.2106/JBJS.18.01473. PMID: 31577683.
  16. Trinh T.Q., Naimark M.B., Bedi A., Carpenter J.E., Robbins C.B.; MOON Shoulder Instability Group, Grant J.A., Miller B.S., Ortiz S., Bollier M.J., Kuhn J.E., Cox C.L., Ma C.B., Feeley B.T., Zhang A.L., McCarty E.C., Bravman J.T., Bishop J.Y., Jones G.L., Brophy R.H., Wright R.W., Smith M.V., Marx R.G., Baumgarten K.M., Wolf B.R., Hettrich C.M., Miller B.S. Clinical Outcomes After Anterior Shoulder Stabilization in Overhead Athletes: An Analysis of the MOON Shoulder Instability Consortium. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2019 May; 47(6):1404-1410. doi: 10.1177/0363546519837666. PMID: 31042440.
  17. Burke M.C., Minnock C., Robbins C.B., Abbott M.D., Caird M.S., Farley F.A., Kirsch J., Thomas J., Li Y. Intraobserver and Interobserver Reliability of Radiographic Analysis of Proximal Humerus Fractures in Adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 2019 Feb.; 39(2):e125-e129. doi:10.1097/BPO.0000000000001083. PMID: 28984686.
  18. Naimark M., Robbins C.B., Gagnier J.J., Landfair G., Carpenter J., Bedi A., Miller B.S. Impact of smoking on patient outcomes after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. BMJ Open's Sports and Exercise Medicine 2018 Nov. 21; 4(1):e000416. doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2018-000416. PMID: 30555715; PMCID: PMC6267295.
  19. Kessler K.E., Robbins C.B., Bedi A., Carpenter J.E., Gagnier J.J., Miller B.S. Does Increased Body Mass Index Influence Outcomes After Rotator Cuff Repair? Arthroscopy. 2018 March; 34(3):754-761. doi:10.1016/j.arthro.2017.08.248. Epub 2017 Nov. 2. PMID: 29100770.
  20. Li Y., Hong R.A., Robbins C.B., Gibbons K.M., Holman A.E., Caird M.S., Farley F.A., Abbott M.D., Burke M.C. Intrathecal Morphine and Oral Analgesics Provide Safe and Effective Pain Control After Posterior Spinal Fusion for Adolescent Idiopathic scoliosis. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2018 Jan. 15; 43(2):E98-E104. doi:10.1097/BRS.0000000000002245. PMID: 28538591.
  21. Lai J., Robbins C.B., Miller B.S., Gagnier J.J. The effect of lipid levels on patient-reported outcomes in patients with rotator cuff tears. JSES Open Access. 2017 Nov. 21; 1(3):133-138. doi:10.1016/j.jses.2017.09.001. PMID: 30675555; PMCID: PMC6340901.
  22. Li Y., Donohue K.S., Robbins C.B., Pennock A.T., Ellis H.B. Jr., Nepple J.J., Pandya N., Spence D.D., Willimon S.C., Heyworth B.E. Function After Adolescent Clavicle Trauma and Surgery (FACTS) Multicenter Study Group. Reliability of Radiographic Assessments of Adolescent Midshaft Clavicle Fractures by the FACTS Multicenter Study Group. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 2017 Sept.; 31(9):479-484. doi:10.1097/BOT.0000000000000877. PMID: 28471918.
  23. Gagnier J.J., Allen B., Watson S., Robbins C.B., Bedi A., Carpenter J.E., Miller B.S. Do Medical Comorbidities Affect Outcomes in Patients With Rotator Cuff Tears? Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2017 Aug. 21; 5(8):2325967117723834. doi:10.1177/2325967117723834. PMID: 28856169; PMCID: PMC5570119.
  24. Gagnier J.J., Oltean H., van Tulder M.W., Berman B.M., Bombardier C., Robbins C.B. Herbal Medicine for Low Back Pain: A. Cochrane Review. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2016 Jan.; 41(2):116-33. doi:10.1097/BRS.0000000000001310. PMID: 26630428.
  25. Robbins C.B., Vreeman D.J., Sothmann M.S., Wilson S.L., Oldridge N.B. A review of the long-term health outcomes associated with war-related amputation. Military Medicine. 2009 June; 174(6):588-92. doi:10.7205/milmed-d-00-0608. PMID: 19585770.
  26. Published Abstracts (Select Sample)
  27. Rajmohan A., Hunt A., Luong T., Robbins C. (2024). Impact of one-way SMS health communication to increase PrEP intake in non-HIV, STI testing patients: A pre-post intervention demographic study. "The American Academy of Health Behavior 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting: "Health Communication, Misinformation and Behavior: Leveraging Technology for Behavioral Interventions and Health Behavior Research"," Health Behavior Research: Vol. 7: No. 2. April. 
  28. Robbins C., Middendorf A., Van Gilder D., Hanson S., Miller E. (2024). Improving the Health of South Dakotans with Pharmacy Based Education, Counseling and Clinical Management of Diabetes and CVD. "The American Academy of Health Behavior 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting: "Health Communication, Misinformation and Behavior: Leveraging Technology for Behavioral Interventions and Health Behavior Research"," Health Behavior Research: Vol. 7: No. 2. April.
  29. Robbins C., Meagher A. Increased psychosocial comorbidity for frail older adults admitted to an emergency general surgery clinic. (2022). "The American Academy of Health Behavior 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting: "The Science of Health Behaviors in Times of Crises",”. HBR. May; 5(2). doi:10.4148/ 2572-1836.1159.
  30. Robbins C., Meagher A. Firearms related deaths and injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2022. "The American Academy of Health Behavior 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting: "The Science of Health Behaviors in Times of Crises",".  HBR. May; 5(2). doi:10.4148/ 2572-1836.1159.
  31. Robbins C., Meagher A. (2021). Firearms related injuries and health disparities during the COVID-19 pandemic. HBR. Dec.; 4(3): 12..
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