Statewide On Demand Trainings

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South Dakota Core Knowledge and Competencies

The South Dakota Core Knowledge and Competencies (CKCs) document represents a core body of knowledge, skills, values and dispositions all early childhood and school-age care educators must demonstrate to effectively support the development, learning and well-being of young children and school-age youth. The SD CKCs guide self-reflection and professional growth by describing what early childhood and school-age care educators need to know, understand and be able to do at all levels of professional practice. They are designed to be inclusive of all types of early care and youth educational settings including center-based, family child care, Head Start and Early Head Start, pre-school classrooms, school-age care programs and in situations where individuals are teaching or mentoring others in the field. The intent is for any individual, regardless of their background or professional status, to view their placement on the continuum of competency, set goals and work toward improvement.