Willand-Charnley Lab Group
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Ideas Become Solutions Upon Implementation

Biftu Benti, Hala Bayoumi, Albert Armoo, and Michael Wofa Current Lab Undergraduate Researchers
- Biftu Benti
- Joshua Bartscher
- Isaac Suchor
- Joseph Gladrud
- Thomas LaFave
- Austin Brewton
- Matthew Schell
Past Graduate Researchers
- Mathias Anim, PhD (Senior Scientist, Pfizer)
- Isaac Tuffour, PhD (Senior Scientist II - Clinical Research Group, Thermo Fisher Scientific)
- Kakali Das, PhD (Postdoctoral Scholar at The Ohio State University, Advisor: Professor Bin Zhang)
- Pius Agyeman (Senior Scientist, Genezen)
Current Graduate Researchers
- Hala Bayoumi
- Albert Armoo
- Michael Worfa
- Emmanuel Mensah
Past Lab Undergraduate Researchers
- Timothy Paris (Yale, MD/PhD program)
- Ross Roh (SDSU)
- Eric Sundall
- Colton Carlson (Medical Student, USD)
- Regan Carlson (Medical Student, USD)
- Megan Schulte (Medical Student, Wyoming)
- Megan Gerhart (Gap Year)
- Kylie Larson (Gap Year)
- Rylan Willis ...the list continues.