Parking Lot
Card and Parking Service Center

Parking Services can be used for purchasing a parking permit for campus, pay a parking citation and finding other parking regulations and maps.

Parking Impacts

Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 12 and 13 

Economy Commuter lot 166 will be event parking only from 7 a.m.-noon both days. The College of Engineering is hosting a career fair and has reserved the lot. Students/staff/faculty that usually park in lot 166 will want to make alternate plans those mornings. Other nearby Economy Commuter lots are: 167, 168, 169 and 172. Please reference the Parking Maps section below for lot location details.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Rules and Regulations

**You will not be given a physical parking permit! License plates are scanned.**

Please note that parking in the Pay Lot (east side of University Student Union) is free to park for the first 30 minutes; after 30 minutes the cost $1.50 per hour. Credit card is the only accepted method of payment. Apple pay is NOT accepted at the parking gate.

Important Reminders

  • Permit purchase required prior to parking on campus.
  • Parking permit enforcement is year-round, including ALL academic breaks.
  • All mopeds/scooters must park in designated motorcycle parking areas. Parking on sidewalks or near bicycle racks is prohibited.

All campus parking inquiries should contact the Parking Services office via 605-688-7275 (PARK) or by email at

Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the Parking Services office?

We are located at 1421 Student Union Lane in the University Student Union. Office hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

What does my Online Parking Account do?

You can purchase your parking permit, register your vehicles, pay citations and file appeals all through your Online Parking Account.

I don’t have a parking permit. Where can I park?

All parking lots on campus require a permit to park between the hours of 7 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday. It is highly recommended that you obtain a permit if you intend to park on campus during these hours. However, if you choose not to purchase a permit, there are several alternatives:

  • University Student Union Lot 150 is a great option for campus parking for those who need to park on campus occasionally but not often enough to warrant a permit. This lot is located just east of the University Student Union and is pay-by-the-hour parking. Parking is $1.50/per hour with the first 30 minutes free! The only acceptable payment method is a credit card.
  • There are several areas surrounding campus that offer street side parking. Street parking is free but is subject to the City of Brookings parking ordinances enforced by the Brookings Police Department.
  • There is free parking anywhere on campus from 4 p.m.-2 a.m. Monday through Friday, and all day on weekends except 2-5 a.m. Reserved, Commuter and Economy parking lots are not enforced for parking permits during these hours. All Reserved, Commuter and Economy lots are closed between 2-5 a.m. throughout the year.
I’m a campus visitor. Where should I park?

We love visitors and welcome you to explore campus at any time. If you are planning a visit to campus during the day, we do ask that you stop by the Parking Services office to obtain a Visitor permit. By obtaining a visitor permit before you park, we can identify you as a visitor and can avoid accidentally ticketing you. If you are planning on staying overnight during your visit, please stop by the front desk at the resident hall you will be staying at to obtain directions on where to park. We like overnight visitors to please park in designated Residential parking lots rather than Commuter or Reserved lots.

I received a parking citation. How do I appeal it?

Parking citations are a necessary part of regulating our parking lots and we offer an appeals process for any citation that you feel may have been received in error. You can appeal citations through your Online Parking Account. Appeals should be based on the fact that the citation was issued contrary to SDSU Parking and Traffic policy. Submitting an appeal does not automatically guarantee a voided citation. Justifications such as those listed below are Not considered legitimate reasons for appeal.

  • You were unfamiliar with university parking rules and regulations.
  • You don’t have the money to pay for the citation.
  • You saw others parked there and assumed it was okay to do the same.
  • You have parked there before and did not receive a citation.
  • You were only parked there for 10 minutes.
  • You parked in a lot that had available spaces so it didn’t affect anyone.
  • You had circled a specific lot already but failed to find a space and therefore parked illegally in another lot.
  • The weather was too hot/cold/rainy/snowy/windy/sunny. SDSU is a walking campus and you are expected to be weather prepared for a short walk to your destination.
How much of my tuition and fees are distributed to Parking Services?

None. Parking Services operates on a business model that is 100% self-sufficient. No tuition, general activity fees or tax dollars are used to fund Parking Services. All revenue is generated from permit sales, parking fines and metered or other pay-to-park income. Revenue is then used to pay for new or additional parking space, lot maintenance and repair, signage, sweeping, striping and snow removal.

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