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You searched:Building Code: SFND
An addition of the Jerome J. Lohr Building, this two-level building is the home of the SDSU Alumni Association.
Building Code: SAIS
In 2020, SDSU opened the 12,400-square-foot American Indian Student Center, which provides a "home away from home" environment and cultural activities. The $4.5 million facility provides student support services, technology resources, office space and meeting rooms.
Building Code: SAA
The Animal Science Arena is a 21,000-square-foot facility that serves as home to the Little International livestock exposition as well as hosting other livestock events.
Building Code: SSY
On Sept. 10, 1927, President Calvin Coolidge dedicated this outdoor theatre and the Lincoln Memorial Library.
Building Code: SCAM
Coughlin Campanile, the face of South Dakota State University, is a chimes tower that stands 165 feet tall.
Building Code: SCMB
The Cow-Calf Education and Research Facility was completed in 2016 and is used by the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences and the Department of Animal Science.
Building Code: SDM
Taste some of SDSU’s finest dairy products at the Dairy Bar.
Building Code: SBL
The Hilton M. Briggs Library, built in 1977 for $3.85 million, is home to three floors of academic materials, study space, computers, printers and scanners.
Building Code: SHU
The Equine Teaching Facility is located west of Medary Avenue and across from the Animal Science Arena. The unit consists of three primary structures — a riding arena and two livestock barns, as well as pastures.
Building Code:
Jackrabbit Central sells books, school supplies, textbooks, apparel and merchandise.
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