
We offer DNA sequencing services using Illumina NextSeq 500 and MiSeq platforms. We have the capability to prepare several common library types. We can also perform automated DNA and RNA extractions as well as perform PCRs for amplicon sequencing projects using a pipetting robot. We QC all samples and libraries.

We can help you with detailed experimental design and bioinformatic analysis on a collaborative basis. If you are interested in that possibility make sure to discuss it with us.

This facility is funded through a Major Research Instrumentation grant from the National Science Foundation with support from the South Dakota Agricultural Experimental Station. Additionally, BioSNTR (a regional Biosciences virtual center funded through the NSF-EPSCOR and the South Dakota Governor’s Office for Economic Development) is making a significant investment in the facility. 

Please include our RRID# (RRID:SCR_023959) when citing our facility on manuscripts. Citing our core facility helps us to generate support and facilitates future funding for new equipment.

Workshops/Training: We can accommodate individual training opportunities while we work on your project, please contact us. 

How to request services, quotes and training: We are using PPMS to manage this and other Core Facilities. Go to https://ppms.us/sdstate/login/?pf=2 , the first time you will need to request an account. SDSU users automatically will use their SDSU SSO once we generate your account.

Fees: (As of Oct. 15, 2024. Costs may change without previous notice.)

*Below are most common services, if you have other needs please contact us for other options. Price in the table below are per sample and include library preparation and sequencing. Please be aware that each service has a minimum requirement for DNA/RNA quality and quantity.

*We also offer single-cell RNA-seq with a 10X Genomics system. Inquire about project costs.

CategoryServiceminQmaxQPrice ($) /sample
GenomesBacterial Genomes-ONT_Ligation based112150
GenomesBacterial Genomes-ONT_Ligation based1324130
GenomesLarge Eukaryotes genomes-Illumina--2500
GenomesLarge Eukaryotes genomes-ONT--1400
GenomesONT-Bacterial_Transpose based12440
GenomesONT-Bacterial_Transpose based254835
GenomesONT-Bacterial_Transpose based496430
GenomesONT-Bacterial_Transpose based649625
Genomes-MethylationMethylation Genomes_Illumina15600
Genomes-MethylationMethylation Genomes_Illumina610500
Genomes-MethylationReduced Representation Methylation Sequencing (RRMS)-ONT13500
Genomes-MethylationReduced Representation Methylation Sequencing (RRMS)-ONT410475
Genomes-MethylationReduced Representation Methylation Sequencing (RRMS)-ONT1196450
Microbial Communities AnalysisFull length 16S ONT-384 Samples at a time--30
Microbial Communities AnalysisFull length 16S RNA-ONT12450
Microbial Communities AnalysisFull length 16S RNA-ONT254845
Microbial Communities AnalysisFull length 16S RNA-ONT499640
Microbial Communities AnalysisShotgun Metagenome-ONT (3Gb/sample)112150
Microbial Communities AnalysisShotgun Metagenome-ONT (3Gb/sample)1324130
Microbial Communities AnalysisShotgun Metagenome-ONT (3Gb/sample)2548115
Quality controlBioanalyzer--100
TranscriptomicsRNASeq _Illumina (2x150bp)112180
TranscriptomicsRNASeq _Illumina (2x150bp)1336160
TranscriptomicsRNASeq _Illumina (2x150bp)3696150










Data transfer: All data and analysis files will be archived in a network file storage system in individual project folder. This is also our SOP to give you your data; we will give you access to your project folder. For non-SDSU users our prefer option is to set up a Globus connection but we can explore other options if your institution does not participate in Globus.

Here is what researchers say about having these services available locally: 

“Having a sequencing center in South Dakota allows researchers to rapidly acquire genomic data, conduct bioinformatics analyses and then refine their experimental designs,”

Adam Hoppe, director of BioSystems Networks and Translational Research Center

“The next-generation sequencing facility will increase the precision in gene transfers. It will help us develop genomic prediction models so that we can deliver better genetics and varieties to the producers of the South Dakota.”

SDSU winter wheat breeder Sunish Seghal

The availability of an in-house sequencing facility means shorter turn-around time in getting sequencing results.

Professor Senthil Subramanian of Agronomy, Horticulture and Plant Science