ABE Scholarships
The typical Departmental scholarship size is between $500 and $1,000. The university also has a substantial scholarship program, which students are encouraged to apply for. It is possible to receive a scholarship from both the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering and South Dakota State University. Scholarships are also available for sophomores, juniors and seniors.
Rewarding academic excellence and personal leadership is a tradition in our department. Thanks to our donors' generous support, the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department expects to award $30,000 in scholarships in the coming school year. Freshman scholarships for new students are accepted throughout the year. In January, the scholarship committee begins awarding scholarships to incoming students for the following fall semester.

- Henry DeLong
- Neil and Lillian Dimick
- Benjamin & Art Fenn
- Leslie "Brick" Johnson
- Harry Leonhardt
- Louis and Irene Lubinus
- William F. Lytle
- Dennis and Hazel Moe
- Charlie Wahl
- Mr. and Mrs. Chin Chow Chu
- Bidwell Scholarship for Freshman
- Henry DeLong
- Marvin Larson
- Dennis and Hazel Moe
- John Wood
- Alan C. and Carole L. Johnson Scholarship in Precision Agriculture
- DevMidwest Scholarship in Precision Agriculture
- James and Melody Mielke Scholarship in Precision Agriculture
- Robert and Bonnie Lamont Scholarship Endowment