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Current as of: Summer 2024

Step 1 - Enroll as a Full-Time Student (12 credit hours)

Students must be accepted into SDSU, Dakota State University, University of Sioux Falls or Augustana University.

Step 2 - Register for AIR 101 Class and Lab

Students DO NOT need to be on an AFROTC scholarship to be in the program.

Step 3 - Complete In-Processing

About a month before the term begins you will receive an email from Det 780 explaining when New Cadet Orientation will occur, usually the weekend before classes begin, and what you need to bring to complete in-processing. Be prepared to bring the following documents with you to school for in-processing:

  • Birth or Naturalization Certificate (Original/certified)*
  • Social Security Card (Original)*
  • Selective Service Number (males age 18 and older only)
  • Completed Sports Physical (AFROTC Form 28 will be emailed to you)
  • DD Form 214/DD Form 785 (prior service members only)

*We cannot accept pictures or photocopies of these documents. You must provide the originals or certified copies (with a raised seal).

Eligibility Requirements

Air Force ROTC Scholarships
AFROTC offers a number of scholarship opportunities. All AFROTC scholarships provide full tuition and fees (some capped at $18,000) as well as a book stipend each semester. AFROTC scholarships do not cover room and board, but most can be converted to a $10,000 per year housing benefit (paid to the university), and all AFROTC scholarship students receive a non-taxable monthly personal stipend of $300-500 during the school year.
hand with coins icon
High School Scholarship Program (HSSP)

The High School Scholarship provides full tuition and fees for all four years of college (5 years may be authorized for some majors). HSSP is open to any senior who meets the program requirements:

  • Must have a minimum 26 ACT or 1240 SAT composite.
  • High School GPA of 3.0 or higher unweighted.
  • Pass a DODMERB physical.
  • Be between the ages of 17-30 years old.
  • Be a U.S. citizen.
  • Must NOT have attended post-secondary school as a full-time student.

The application window is typically 6 months long and opens in the summer before your senior year of high school. The current HSSP Applicant Guide with information about this year's timeline.

Eligibility Requirements

Academic Requirements

  • Must be a full-time student (12 credit hours) at SDSU, Dakota State University, University of Sioux Falls or Augustana University.
  • Must register for the AIR 101 Class and Lab (1 credit hour). See academic standards.
  • Must maintain a 2.0 college GPA and 2.5 GPA if on scholarship.

Fitness Requirements

  • Must attend mandatory cadet wing group fitness sessions (twice a week during the school year).
  • Must meet Body Mass Index (BMI) standards by the spring term of sophomore year. See fitness standards.
  • Must pass the Air Force ROTC Fitness test by the spring term of sophomore year (push-ups, sit-ups, and 1.5-mile run).

Medical Requirements

  • Must complete a sports physical (AFROTC Form 28) to participate in lab and fitness.
  • Must complete and have a qualified DODMERB physical to compete for a scholarship. See medical standards.

Other Requirements

  • Must spend at least three years in college to complete the program.
  • Must be at least 14 years old to enroll in the program and 17 years old for a scholarship.
  • Must be no more than 42 years old at the time of commissioning or 31 years old at commissioning for a scholarship.
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or able to obtain citizenship by the end of the sophomore year.
  • Must be of high moral character.
  • Active Duty Enlisted Airmen requirements.