South Dakota State University's main campus is in Brookings, South Dakota. Our campus is home to more than 150 buildings, including a number of academic and research facilities as well as nine sports facilities for the Jackrabbits.

View the new interactive 3D map that launched in 2023. This comprehensive map consists of 3D renderings of campus buildings and locations, as well as parking information, ADA information and much more.

For our Visitors

When visiting campus, be sure to get a visitor pass from Parking Services (Room 140, University Student Union), Info Exchange (just inside the west door of the University Student Union), or the University Police Department (1405 Jackrabbit Ave.). These one-day passes allow you to park in the designated visitor spaces (see the parking map) or in any lot not marked Reserved.

After 4 p.m., parking lots become open to everyone, so if you’re coming to campus for a late afternoon/evening event, don’t worry about getting a pass beforehand. Just remember: You may not leave your car parked overnight.